
  1. Key Principles of Assessment: –
    1. Assessment is a part of the learning process
    2. Assessment requires a fear free environment for the students to present their learning at their best
    3. The basic objective of each assessment is to provide feedback to the Saathis for supporting students in their learning.
  2. Purpose of Assessments:
    1. To ensure the clear understanding of concepts/skills from various subjects.
    2. To ensure that the students have done enough practice of the concepts/skills to build a broad understanding to connect with other concepts and of the subject as a whole.
    3. To ensure that the students are able to use the concept to apply in real life scenarios.
  1. Objectives of Student Assessments: –
    1. From Student’s point of view
      • To measure the growth in Learning Outcomes of the engaged students in comparison to a control group of students.
      • To create and maintain an online database for student assessments projecting their growth in learning outcomes at the Panchayats and block level for a period of five fours.
      • To make the process of assessment shift, smooth and joyful for students and Saathis.
    2. From Organization’s point of view
      • To showcase the educational impact of the initiatives implemented over a period of time, thereby making necessary modifications if needed.
      • To help the teams take data driven decisions and develop strategies for better impact through the analysis obtained.
      • To create a healthy competitive spirit among the Saathis and in the organization as a whole.
  1. Types of Assessment: –
    1. Quantitative or summative: –
      • Verbal Assessment
      • Written Assessment – Objective type
    2. Qualitative or formative: –
      • Game-A-thons
      • Live Activities
      • Quizzes
      • Presentations
      • Projects
      • Subjective type assessments
  1. The Need for I_got_Knowledge App in our Assessment process:
    1. To conduct analysis of the assessment data for developing insights for initiatives
    2. To create and maintain question banks online for improving our assessment process over time
    3. To keep a database for all the student information in the cloud storage
    4. For maintaining an attendance register for all Students and Saathis online.
    5. To support our annual academic plan
  1. Types of Assessment tools: –
    1. Klorofeel Student assessment (KSA)
    2. Annual Status of Education Report (ASER)
    3. International Common Assessment for Numeracy (ICAN)

Managed by Klorofeel Foundation