The idea of camp was not just to engage children but it was also for us to get a better understanding of the village and know children more well.These 20 days passed untraceably and we did have a lot of fun.Several activities we did in the camp includes origami, origami is said to have originated from Japan and it is a major add on in the enhancement of children’s learnings. It has long been known that origami has many benefits like developing eye hand co-ordination, sequencing skills, attention skills, patience, temporal spatial skills, math reasoning etc. It can help in explaining geometry very well.So we were keen on sharing origami skills in our different learning centres.We learnt making boxes, frogs and fishes, which involved making perfect squares, triangles and perfect lines, cuts and seer concentration.We also did clay art, Alok da facilitated the session for both origami and clay art. When a child would not be able to make his pre thought shape or if the structures would break then Alok da would say listen to the clay and shape it when required and it won’t break. We did papermache, recycling paper, tribal dance, Baal geet, bamboo crafts, bird watching, match box puppetry, book mark making, thumb painting and palm tree crafts.And with the postcard painting activity we talked about postcards and children were fascinated how once upon a time in no phone days we wrote miles and distances and it still exists!We introduced them to charkha and spinning wonders and they were intrigued by the fact that the cotton ball they see in their fields become the clothes they wear! Their expressions were fun.During the wall painting days we had amazing time painting and playing with the colours. It was beautiful to see those tiny hands scribbling and sprinkling colours. And the community never ceases to show the overflowing help, be it filling up buckets of water, cleaning up the space or paint the walls! Also using few traditional natural colours was interesting and involved community well.Also we practiced trust walks in which a child had to trust the other child by keeping his eyes closed and the other child was supposed to take him/her around safely, purpose was simple to strengthen their belief in trust and we also started practicing group hugs and individual hugs and all of us are loving this hugging practice, it strengthens us and prepares us. And the ecstatic part was when we asked children if they’re hungry, then they jumped and said no we’re not and we’re not going, we want to be here! All these activities were not just for fun but also to help explore the arenas of imaginations and concentrations. And happiness is obviously above all, just look at the pictures and video how engrossing and happy they seem, that’s all makes sense! And the days went by with all these activities and we eventually ended our summer camp days with lots of laughs and a firm goodbye seeking the sooner return.