Activity based Learning at the Centers

I. Each Learning Centre (LC) caters to the learning needs of the Grade 1 to Grade 5 children in a village. The children attend the Learning Centers before and after the school hours. In each Learning Centre, there are usually two Facilitators, known as Saathis, drawn from local community. They are the key facilitators for children’s learning through fun-filled activities. We currently have nine Learning Centers (LCs) in the villages of Kankubadi and Jhigdi Gram Panchayats (GPs) of Bissamcuttack block in Rayagada district of Odisha. We create methods of learning that are fun-filled, experiential, contextual and holistic type comprising of games, projects, festivals, explorations and exposure visits. Their learning leads to a broader understanding of real-life applications of concepts in and around the village they live. The Learning Centers complement and supplement the initiatives in the School. Each course covered in the School is divided into a number of concepts. For each such concept, appropriate teaching material and methods are used. For example, for learning numbers and their operations, local games like Pithu or Hoop rolling are used. Popular non-local games like Business Games, Jenga and Puzzles are also included to give a multi-dimensional learning approach to children. Learning is not segmented in watertight compartments. The holistic nature of learning is practiced through festivals and projects. As an example, Mango Festival is organised for the students to learn numbers and their operations, communication and local culture, while transacting with the customers.
II. Collaboration and Adoption of Best Practices
 This year we collaborated with the Children Toy Foundation of India and introduced games for improving the memory, cognitive and motor skills of the children. The games were divided into different segments such as Concept learning games, Practice games and Application games. Many games were modified to suit the contextual needs of the children. While modifying the games we kept in mind that the games should be fun-filled and promote collaboration, rather than create competition, among the children.
III.Exposure Visits
For real world exposure and learning certain life skills, we conduct visits to various public institutions like Bank, Police station, Post-office, etc.

Managed by Klorofeel Foundation